Mjög skemmtileg og fræðandi heimildarmynd um bannið á kannabis í Bandaríkjunum og kannabis almennt.
Allir hafa skoðanir á því hvort kannabis eigi að vera löglegt eða ekki. Málið er að fólk hefur yfirleitt ekki hugmynd um hvað það er að tala um. Ef þú horfir á þessa mynd þá hefur þú möguleika á að mynda þér skoðun á þessu málefni án þess að hafa fyrirfram myndaðar skoðanir sem eiga ekki við nein rök að styðjast.
Grein um fíkniefnastríðið í Mexikó.
"Early in the last century, near the end of his 34 bloody years in power, the aging Mexican strongman Porfirio Diaz mused that his country's great misfortune was to be located "so far from God and so near the United States."
The shrewd old thief's observation came to mind this week when U.S. officials announced they'd joined with Mexican authorities in arresting more than 730 people allegedly linked to the Sinaloa drug cartel. That gang is the most powerful of the numerous criminal organizations smuggling drugs into the United States. Their intramural quarrels and resistance to a government crackdown have plunged Mexico into a round of violence unseen since the Cristero Wars in the 1920s. Over the last year, about 6,000 Mexicans have been killed.
Many fear that Mexico could be sliding into civil instability because of the cartels' increasing willingness to use violence and bribery to protect their business. It's an old story in other parts of Latin America, and for that reason, three of the region's former heads of state -- including onetime Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo -- recently issued a report urging the U.S. to consider legalizing at least marijuana. Fat chance."
Sjá alla greinina
Friday, February 20, 2009
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